DECEMBER 1 2023 TASOK TALK – The American School of Kinshasa


Message from the Director:

Celebrating diversity through International Day is one of my favorite times of the year, witnessing the wide range of nationalities represented here at TASOK. This year we had over 42 nationalities in the parade, and were very fortunate to have our TASOK families join us!

I would like to thank all the parents who attended the parade and joined the aerial drone TASOK photo for the yearbook. I would also like to thank all the people that helped to make International Day 2023, and semester one a huge success! This was truly a great way to start the long weekend being thankful in the true nature of Thanksgiving. 

Additionally, ongoing communication with the school nurse and teachers/principals is essential as families travel over the December Break and regularly during our asynchronous learning schedule

From all of us at TASOK, we wish you a safe and restful December break with friends and family wherever you may be around the world. We look forward to what 2024 will bring!

Be safe, be well, be kind, 

Dan Mullen – TASOK Director