OCTOBER 1 2023 TASOK TALK – The American School of Kinshasa


Message from the Director:

PTC Welcome Picnic

A BIG thank you to all those students, staff, and parents that helped to make the ‘PTC Welcome Picnic’ a huge success. What a wonderful way to start the year off together with food and great conversations with both new & returning families!

MAP Testing

What is MAP testing? You may have had your child come home last week sharing that they finished ‘MAP testing’ – but what is this and why is it important? The Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth test is the most trusted and innovative assessment for measuring achievement and growth in K–12 math, reading, language usage, and science.
Who uses MAP testing? Close to 1,000 international schools in more than 145 countries trust MAP as their preferred assessment provider to meet the most rigorous global standards and achieve and maintain accreditation. MAP is also used in 1000 of schools throughout the United States in grades 3 to 10.
Why do we use MAP testing? Using MAP Growth insights, teachers can confidently tailor instruction to challenge every student, whether they are below, at, or above grade level. MAP Growth student reports also present realistic learning goals by subject areas so that, through a teacher’s guidance, students can individually see their progress and be inspired to take charge of their own learning.

What’s next? The MAP testing window has closed and Principals are starting to process the results to share with families and teachers prior to the October Break. Additionally, teachers will use this valuable data to align their instruction to meet the needs of our students.

Be safe, be well, be kind,

Dan Mullen – TASOK Director