FEBRUARY 1 2022 TASOK TALK – The American School of Kinshasa


Message from the Director:

Happy February 1st and “Chinese New Year”!

Omicron definitely took its toll on our community as we approached the December Break, but it was very reassuring to hear the positive messages about the COVID testing requirement to safely return to school. Thank you for your support and cooperation throughout this process as it helped identify over 12 positive COVID cases in our community. I am sure you are all like me in that you are getting tired of having to adjust, pivot, and change routines when it comes to everything about day-to-day life. My hope is that if we continue to pull together again this semester, we will come out the other side having maintained our educational program, with students learning alongside their classmates and teachers.

Our goal is to keep our program in-person – this is what is best for student learning, social-emotional development, and overall well-being. As always, our hope is to provide a safe environment for students and staff to learn and work together. Please continue to practice and reinforce the mitigation measures that we are all familiar with, and consider getting your vaccines and booster shots as soon as you or your children are eligible.   

I am optimistic that these restrictions will be short-lived, and we will begin to shift to COVID being endemic and something that we learn to live with going forward. Over the next week, you will see evidence of this as After School Activities (ASAs) resume, along with changes in isolation, quarantine, and mask guidelines at TASOK. Additionally, we are resuming the Varsity and Junior Varsity sports program, beginning with soccer next week. I would like to thank you in advance for your support and flexibility as we guide the school through these uncharted waters.

Have a safe & wonderful February!

Yours in education,

Dan Mullen – TASOK Director

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