TASOK TALK – SPECIAL SUMMER FAREWELL 2021 – The American School of Kinshasa


In This Edition:

• Message from the Director–A Safe & Happy Summer!
• Celebrating our Departing TASOK Staff
• Senior Awards & Graduation Links (Video & Photos)
• Business Office Q&A
• 3 W’s of Staying Safe
• TASOK 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
Message from the Director –Bonnes vacances d’été!
As we come to the close of the 2020/21 school year and the last day with students on campus, I wanted to share this
special summer farewell edition to celebrate our graduating class, recognize our departing staff, and share my
optimism for next year. I am very thankful for a successful school year of student learning, and very fortunate we
were able to have students on campus for the majority of the year!
On June 2, 2021, we hosted our commencement ceremony to celebrate the achievements of our (17) TASOK
graduates. We were fortunate to host this event on campus with socially distanced ‘family pods’ and special
addresses from the U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission Marion Ekpuk, Secondary Teacher John Wright, Secondary Principal
Lesley Peacock, TASOK Valedictorian Hatem Tarhini, myself, and a special video message from the U.S. Ambassador
to the D.R.C. – Mike Hammer. The grade 11 students were also in attendance to start visualizing and planning for
their big day next year!
As many American schools around the world, TASOK has a very transient population of students and teachers. While
this time of year can be difficult saying ‘goodbye’, it is also an opportunity to celebrate relationships and
connections that will last a lifetime. This special addition also shares information about our departing TASOK
Faculty, their next adventures, and fondest memories of their time at TASOK. We wish them all the best in their
future adventures!
We are already planning and preparing for the arrival of new students and teachers next August, making plans
for a great start to the school year. Our goal is to have a normal school experience for everyone at
TASOK, and this relies heavily on the Parent Partnership and encouraging all TASOK families to take advantage of
COVID vaccines here in Kinshasa or during your travels over the summer. This will greatly
impact our ability to mitigate COVID next year to ensure on-campus learning.
And finally, thank you for your ongoing support and I wish you all a safe and
wonderful summer holiday wherever you are in the world!

Be safe, be well, be kind,
Dan Mullen – TASOK Director

Our Mission for Excellence: The American School of Kinshasa provides
dynamic and individualized educational challenges and opportunities that
promote diversity and empower each of its students to develop into
independent global community leaders.


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