TASOK TALK – JUNE 2021 – The American School of Kinshasa


In This Edition:
• Message from the Director–Graduation 2021!
• #My Mental Health Matters
• Senior Send-Off Day!
• The Joys of Photography in Pre-School!
• A Day in the Life of a Grade 6 Student – What to Expect!
• Meet the NEW TASOK Staff – 2021/2022 (ES & SS)
• Elementary 3-Way Conferences
• Theory of Knowledge Exhibitions – Grade 11
• Save the Planet’s Journey
• Helping All Children Reach Their Potential at TASOK
• May AGM – Election Committee Results
• Career Day – Grade 7
• Business Office Update
• Nurse’s Corner – Contact Tracing/3 W’s of Staying Safe
• TASOK 2021-2022 Academic Calendar

Message from the Director – Graduation Ceremony 2021!
It is that time of year where campus is buzzing with all the end of year activities as we celebrate our 2021
graduates, prepare grade 5 students for life in secondary, and say farewell to those students and staff moving on to
new adventures next year. Today, we had anxious seniors on campus practicing walking across the stage, ready for
tomorrow’s big ‘socially distanced’ event – “Graduation 2021”.

What a senior year this has been for the class of 2021! While we have been slowly able to have more and more
events on campus, this graduating class missed out on all the typical senior ‘traditions’ that we hope to bring back
next year. Through all this, they have persevered and are ready for their next chapter at university.
Congratulations on your achievements – you did it!

I would like to offer a few words of encouragement. First, continue to instill the attributes of the IB Learner Profile in
life and everything you do. Remember as you reflect on this past year and others, and as you get ready to start your
new journey, your time and friends here in Kinshasa and at TASOK will always be a huge part of your life. We live in
a time of never-ending change and challenges. Go on to university with an open mind knowing that you leave here
with the skills and knowledge to really make a difference in the world.

For those with undecided paths, when the time comes you will know what
to do, as with all matters of the heart you will know when you find it.

And finally, be happy – this is a time to celebrate, you achieved
your goals. Find support in your friends and loved ones, thanking
your parents for their support in your achievements.

We celebrate you and honor you today.

Be safe, be well, be kind,
Dan Mullen – TASOK Director

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