MARCH 1 2023 TASOK TALK – The American School of Kinshasa


Message from the Director – Do you know TASOK’s Mission?

Our Mission for Excellence: The American School of Kinshasa provides dynamic and individualized educational challenges and opportunities that promote diversity and empower each of its students to develop into independent global community leaders.

TASOK’s mission is the big “why” TASOK exists, and is the driving force that guides all decisions both inside and outside of school. For the mission to have an impact on our students, it takes an entire community to understand and appreciate each of our roles in bringing the mission to life.

Have you ever taken a few minutes to break down the TASOK Mission? In looking through this month’s TASOK Talk, look for examples from our mission of ways that students are provided dynamic and individualized educational challenges and opportunities that promote diversity, how they are empowered, and develop into independent global community leaders.

Similar to how we challenge our students to look for connections to their learning in the real world, how can we encourage and promote the TASOK mission outside of school? In our greater community? At home?

Thanks for your partnership in learning,

Dan Mullen – TASOK Director