TASOK TALK – SEPTEMBER 2021 – The American School of Kinshasa


In This Edition:
❖ Message from the Director–Welcome Back!
❖ First Impressions – Secondary Staff
❖ Elementary Insights & Updates
❖ PYP Coordinator Notes – Essential Agreements
❖ MYP Coordinator Notes – Approaches to Learning
❖ DP Updates – May 2021 and ‘22 exam sessions
❖ Business Office News
❖ Nurse’s Corner – Contact Tracing/3 W’s of Staying Safe
❖ Calendar & Upcoming Events
Message from the Director – Welcome to the 2021/22 School Year!
What a pleasure it has been welcoming our new and returning students to campus this past week. The morning
drop-offs have been filled with students sharing their summer adventures and their overwhelming excitement to be
back at school.
Our ‘New Family Orientation’ took place on August 20th, where we welcomed over 84 students
and parents to TASOK with an introduction to our programs, health & safety
procedures, and guided tours led by teachers and returning students.
Thank you ‘TASOK Ambassadors’ for making our new students feel
welcome as they transition to our community.
The summer months have been very busy here at TASOK, as we added
additional outdoor learning spaces in both elementary and secondary.
These multi-function spaces will prove to be very useful in providing a
‘bug free’ space to eat, play, and learn. Additionally, we are in the process
of completing construction of additional bathrooms and updating safety
areas in preparation for another great year.
Thank you parents for reading the ‘Parent Partnership Guide’ and for your
continued communication with Nurse Nathalie concerning travel and health
updates in your family. This is crucial as we current have families still making
their way back to Kinshasa due to changing travel restrictions. We also thank
those of you that took advantage of COVID-19 vaccine access over the summer for you and your children. This will
be instrumental in returning to ‘normal’ on a global scale.
As with the start of every school year, there is quite a bit of information that will be shared with you principals,
teachers, and the nurse. Please make sure to update Ms. Lukeni (Registrar) at: registrar@tasok.net should any of
your contact information change over the summer. We are looking forward to a fantastic school year!

Be safe, be well, be kind,
Dan Mullen – TASOK Director

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